Well not that I am as photogenic as some of the members of the family, I figured I might as well put something up that has some "eye candy" to it. Yes to ease your minds and hearts, she is Mexican, and she is my #1 fan. Although I must say that is not an entirely bad photograph of me, there are noticeable family traits I wish that hadn't been passed down to me. If I look a bit tired to you guys, I was, and very slightly inebriated.
I think I'm jumping ahead of myself and not giving a proper introduction here... excuse me. The lovely lady next to me is Elena, she appeared in the picture being of sound body and mind and also was not paid too much to pose with me. I first laid eyes upon her in Oct. of 2005, while applying to work at one of the most corrupt enterprises in the world; Office Max. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but seeing her there would really make the day's go by more quickly. After getting the run around at the store for about two months, I was finally hired at the pay rate of a drunken monkey in Dec. of that same year. Working my tail off, no pun intended, I proceeded to prove my worth and gain more hours and the trust of my managers and coworkers.
June, 6 months down the road, and I finally have the testicular fortitude to ask her out for dinner. Unknowingly to me, she thought that I was a homosexual and would be a nice friend to go shopping with!! Different sides of the tracks doesn't even compare to what we are. Since coming to America 10 years ago, she has befriended many people of her like culture. In other words, a white guy that wasn't Catholic, Spanish speaking, and straight was extreme foreign territory. So I did what any guy would do in my shoes, I took her to a Mexican restaurant.
Then I spent the next 6 months just spending time with her, getting to know how her mind works, what part of Mexico she came from (Durango) and doing anything else that would show interest in a heterosexual way. She quickly became my best friend and someone that I couldn't wait to spend time with, even if it was doing nothing at all, it was time well spent. Sometime around Christmas, I started to get a feeling that there was a real emotional connection coming to pass. Being the fool that I am, I asked her if she felt something towards me, and she looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "I feel I can get a green card out of you." !!?!?!?! Are all that came to mind at that moment. When I realized that she was joking and my heart wasn't really shattered into a thousand and one pieces, she told me that her parents are going to be really confused. Not understanding what she meant by that, I asked and all she replied was that their heads are going to spin because she wanted to give us a shot.
2007 came with a bang, I think, I was stuck on the phone trying to dial her New Years night for 40 minutes into the new year, while attempting to stay laid on the grass because the world was spinning way too fast for me to jump up and down and light fireworks and kiss my very manly woman friend. At least that's what I told her (sorry Liberty) there was no way I was ushering in the New year with a woman that as Ms. Swan would put it, "She looka like-a man!"
Sorry, sorry I got a little sidetracked... where was I? Well I'm not sure what to say at this point. There's so much love and great stories that I could be writing a whole book on this year alone. I can say that I met her parents in May, and her mother really likes me. Dad I can't really tell, their lack of English skills and his apparent lack of body language has kept me guessing. I can say that Luz (Elena) is the favourite daughter! So out of four girls, I pick daddy's little querida!! Oh dios mio. What really melted mom's heart in my favour was when I went to the wildly packed as hell Mexican neighbourhood in San Jose to pick up a pastel de tres leches. That would be a 3 milk cake to you peoples that don't watch Univision. That was late June, so we've just been spending almost every available moment together... scary, and to think I've actually considered proposing! We shall see, I think that after... oh that's her calling, gotta run bye.
I'll keep you all updated, much love and what not.
Mucho Amor
Auf Wiedersehen mit vielen Liebe,
I thought her name sounded familiar...I'm glad to hear things are going so well!
Aww that's so wonderful!!! I guess there's something with Bevington's falling for hispanic women. It worked out okay for my dad so who knows.
Congratulations, I hope you are both happy. You look well together and individually I might add.
Jer, so glad to see your post. Elena sounds like a treasure. I love the picture of the two of you. This is a slightly different pose than the one I have.
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